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Custom Ceramic Component Production From McDanel Advanced Ceramic Technologies


McDanel Advanced Ceramic Technologies LLC is a leading manufacturer of high quality refractory tubes and sheaths, supplying major heat-using industries worldwide for over 80 years.

They offer high purity alumina, mullite and partially stabilized zirconia tubing. The impervious fine grained ceramic products are used in many applications where it is necessary to provide a protective atmosphere at high temperatures without contamination. Material selection depends upon operating working conditions such as peak temperature, chemical environment and abruptness of temperature change.

Various rods, tubes, crucibles, dishes, boats, trays and discs are standard items and a significant capability for producing custom shapes is available.
Custom Product Capabilities

Vesuvius McDanel has an experienced staff of sales engineers available to assist with your special ceramic requirements. Our capabilities for custom components is extensive and includes the following processes:

· Slip Casting

· Extrusion

· Isostatic Pressing

· Dry Pressing

· Green Machining

· Grinding

· Firing

· Assembly

From prototype to production, we will work with you to provide the optimum, cost effective solution to your demanding application.
Materials Used

McDanel Advanced Ceramic Technologies LLC can custom manufacture using a range of materials. These materials include:

· MV30 mullite

· MV20 mullite

· 998 - 99.8% alumina

· AP35 - 99.0% alumina

· AV30 - 96% alumina

· Z105 Zirconia

· SiAlON


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